Vamonos ya,
es hora de salir
a buscar un amanecer.
Contra viento y marea,
a traves de mil peligros;
sea lo que sea
será encontrar el destino
que conduce a mañana.
No te debes preocupar,
todo tiene solución.
Ante los problemas,
lo bueno es reír.
Seriamente, muy en broma,
vamos a tocar el cielo.
Encontraremos el hogar
que me está esperando.
Seriamente, muy en broma,
voy a ser el mejor.
Dejaremos nuestra huella
en el mundo.
This is the time,
This is the time.
The biggest fight of all.
Through the rain n´thunder,
Through the snow n´wonder.
Whatever is left, is there
For us to find the fate
That leads to tomorrow.
This is the time,
This is the time.
The biggest fight of all.
Stop worrying so much,
Think it through, is just fine.
In the strongest storm,
Keep on smiling.
Gospel truth, am kidding,
I will reach the sky
To find my long lost home
That is waiting for me.
Gospel truth, am kidding,
I´m going to be the best.
The story will remember us
To its very last days.
Gospel truth, am kidding,
I´m going to be the best.
The story will remember us
To its very last days.
C´mon! C´mon!
Let’s go!
C´mon! C´mon!
Let’s go!
Mira, me haz tocado en el alma, soy escritor pobre y a veces quiero tirarlo todo, gracias!!!